Saturday, 20 February 2016

Why I Love Makeup

I know, it's been a while.  It wasn't a planned break, it just sort of happened.

To get back in to the swing of things I thought I'd remind myself, and you, why I love makeup so much.  

All of these photos were taken in the second half of 2015 and yet all 16 of them are completely different and transform my face.  White winged liner, silver tears, gems, blue lips, big purple circles; anything is possible!  And the best part is if I don't like it or didn't execute it that well I can just wash it off and try again tomorrow!  Every day I learn a bit more and hone my skills.  Everyday presents fresh inspiration; a new colour combination, a new unconventional material to use or the discovery of a wonderful makeup artist.

If you feel stuck in a rut, or have never experimented before, then this is me encouraging you to play with texture, colour, shape and size!  Go crazy.  If you don't feel confident yet, no one else has to see it.  You can just experiment in your room in the evenings until you feel daring enough to show the world.

Maybe you'll never want to wear colourful makeup, and that's okay too.  I just encourage you to push your limits and keep growing your skills!  

What are your reasons for loving makeup?
I'd love to know which of these looks is your favourite?  I always have fun creating so each of them is a bit special but I am particularly fond of the look with blue eyebrows.

Also, I'm thinking of switching over to soon and getting my own domain name.  It all seems very daunting at the moment so if any of you can give any advice I'd really appreciate it!


I'd love it if you followed me here:

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